PARKER POE collection

Located on the main floor is our library that houses part of our permanent collection from Parker Poe. Parker was a founding board member of the Thomasville Cultural Center, now known as Thomasville Center for the Arts. His long-standing devotion to cultural enrichment and philanthropy made him a pivotal figure in the community. Parker served on the board from its beginnings in 1978, and was President from 1987 until 1990. He was then elected President Emeritus, a position he held until his passing.

Parker and his wife Pansy loved collecting art. He acquired many outstanding pieces of fine art and sculpture during his lifetime. The eclectic collection was housed in multiple residences and represents the Poe family’s diverse taste. Upon his passing in 1991 he bequeathed his entire collection of over 700 pieces to the Center, continuing his legacy as a devoted patron of the arts.

In this library you will find small works that represent the diversity and breadth of the Parker Poe collection.


Featured Image: Richard Evett Bishop | Plantation QuailÂ